Samsung Smart TVs
Users who bought SAMSUNG TVs for their SMART IPTV application are very disappointed. As after purchasing the TV they rush to obtain an IPTV Service to watch live tv from the web, using IPTV with the built-in SMART IPTV App.
Many users who have purchased IPTV Services and installed it in their Smart TVs, now face an issue. Samsung has removed the SMART IPTV with the AUTO update or TV Rest update.
Users with SMART IPTV already installed in their TV are advised not to REST their SAMSUNG TV and to Switch AUTO UPDATE OFF. This will result in the SMART IPTV uninstalled and will need to be re-installed manually.
Disable Auto Update
To resolve this issue, you will need to disable auto updates. Follow the steps below to stop auto update on your SAMSUNG TV:
Go to Settings.
Select Support.
Select Software Update.
Select Auto Update.
Select OFF
J Series TV Models
Also On J series Tizen TVs, you can try turning off Menu -> Smart Hub -> App Auto Update to avoid losing the application on every TV restart.
Manual Install
The information we have is that Samsung has suspended the app from the Apps Store. You can however manually install the app by downloading the software and placing it in a USB Stick and placing it in your SAMSUNG USB Slot. However, this will require deft technical knowledge to get this done.
Tizen TVs (J/K/M/N/Q/R)
The application will appear on My Apps screen among other apps.
Non-Tizen TVs (E/ES/F/H/HU/J4/J52)
The application will appear on a Samsung Apps screen among other apps.
LG Smart TVs
LG and Samsung are the only smart TV brands that offer the Smart IPTV app. It is available for download on the device. Like Samsung, it is a payable registration, a €5 one-off payment fee after the trial period.
However, like Samsung, LG (and probably it is similar for ANY other brand) has already taken steps to remove IPTV apps on their AppStore in some countries already, and so we would expect them to eventually remove them completely.
Smart TVs will naturally provide apps for other bonafide Internet streaming services like NetFlix or Amazon Prime, and that is well and good in general. But if you wish to partake in ‘private iptv streaming services’, our strong recommendation is to get an Android-based TV Box (or just use your desktop computer or laptop) with a paid IPTV subscription, and connecting it to your Smart TV via a HDMI cable connection. And where necessary, cover it up with a VPN solution to prevent any snooping or monitoring from your Internet telco providers.
About DojimeIPTV
DojimeIPTV.Net is a reliable, premium service provider for IPTV Streaming subscriptions since 2014. We provide global IPTV streaming services from our European videoservers to service almost all corners of the world. We do not own, nor download or archive the streams into digital storage, in any form whatsoever.
Do read up on our detailed FAQ about our services and our Blog that covers quite a lot of very relevant informational details and tips that you will need to know about IPTV streaming.