Here are the step-by-step guide on how to setup IPTV M3U file with PVR Simple Client on Kodi.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1. Install Kodi v16.x on your device and click on Kodi icon to start.
Step 2. Go to System>Settings. (Kodi>System>Settings)
Step 3. There you will see Add-Ons. Click On it. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-Ons)
Step 4. Click on my add-ons. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-ons)
Step 5. Click on PVR clients. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-ons>PVR clients)
Step 6. Select PVR IPTV Simple Client. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR Clients>PVR IPTV Simple Client)
Step 7. Click On Enable button first then click on Configure. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure)
Step 8. After clicking on Configure, there will be details for adding m3u play list from local storage or server. You need to click on M3U Play List URL (If you have a link of m3u file, otherwise choose local storage. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL)
Step 9. Paste the m3u link provided you by your IPTV service provider, then click on done and OK. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK)
General Settings: ALWAYS SET the Set Location to Local Path. The M3U file should be in your local hard drive storage in the PC, Laptop or in a USB thumbdrive, so that you use it to plug it into an Android TV Box USB slot.
EPG Settings:
Set EPG Time Shift to 8.0 or for Singapore Time or to your specific time zone. Apply Time Shift to All Channels.
Step 10.
Now close PVR Clients window. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client)
Step 11:
Now Click on Home button. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home)
Step 12.
Now Click Power button then Exit. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home>Exiting Kodi)
Step 13.
Now Reopen Kodi by clicking on Kodi icon. You can see Kodi is now loading channels from your m3u playlist. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home>Exiting Kodi>Reopen Kodi)
Step 14.
Now you can see the TV option on home screen. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home>Exiting Kodi>Reopen Kodi>TV)
Step 15.
Click on Channels now. There will be the complete channels list. Double click on channel name, it will start streaming. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home>Exiting Kodi>Reopen Kodi>TV>Channels>Selected a channel>)
Final Step.
Your playlist is successfully added to your Kodi. You can now double click on channel and watch full screen. (Kodi>System>Settings>Add-ons>my add-on>PVR IPTV Simple Client>Enable>Configure>M3U Play List URL>Adding M3U>Done>OK>Close PVR Client>Home>Exiting Kodi>Reopen Kodi>TV>Full view of channel)
Hope you done this successfully. If there is any problem within Kodi, please double check your m3u file with VLC Media Play, check your internet with the device and retry.
Configuring with an IPTV Subscription from DojiMeIPTV.Net
General: Set Location to Local Path, and M3U Play List URL to the file or location of the M3U file.
EPG Settings:
Set EPG Time Shift to 8.0 or at least near to that for Singapore TimeZone. Apply Time Shift to All Channels. Channels Logos Base URL: